Attention: Ambitious Entrepreneurs, Ecommerce Sellers, Inventors, Amazon Sellers, Shopify Sellers, & Product Creators

Join Me For An Advanced 12 Week Retail Business Activator Coaching Class To Learn How We Went From An Idea In Our College Dorm Rooms, To Scaling Our Banana Wave Bananamilk Into Over 4,000+ Retail Stores, And Exiting Our Company. You’ll Learn How To Create Products, Pitch Them To Retail Chain Stores, Scale Your Business, And How To Create An Exit Strategy Following Our Proven Path As Categroy Pioneers!

AND… With These Strategies, We Were Acquired In 2021 by Eat Beyond

For a limited time special… because we launched this innovative Retail Business Activator class, the price isnow $1,999 for the first 10 students $10,000 for access to this coaching class

12 Week Retail Business Activator Course Delivered 100% Live Online

Next Live Class Starts Decmber 10th 2022 at 7pm EST

Receive Weekly Q&A Sessions During This Live Cohort

Learn What We Did To Innovate A New Market Category By Creating The Non-Dairy Alternative Milk Category

Network With Others In A Supportive Learning Enviornment



“Your mission is to learn how to create a retail product business that can be sold in retail chain stores, and online ecommerce to help you build a thriving retail business that can earn an extra $1,000 to $10,000 per month or more and can lead to
creating generational wealth!”

Here’s What You’re Going To Get:

“12 Week Retail Business Activator Class”

“The Outsource Report”

“The 144 Keys To Unlocking High Paying Clients”

“How We Got Into Distribution Retail Case Study”

“30 Days Of The 365 Day Video Quote Challenge”

“High Ticket Freedom Masterguide To Secure High Paying Clients”

You Get Special Access To My Retail Business
Activator Class During This Early Bird Special

Here’s Just A Quick Sneak Peek Of What Is In This
Life-Changing and Retail Business Activating
12 Week Live Online Class For You!

Mindset of a successful retail entrepreneur

  • How to create goals that will challenge you to develop your skills as an entrepreneur
  • Why it’s important to develop human will power, why it’s important to master it, and how it will help you thrive as an entrepreneur
  • How to establish a productive routine as an entrepreneur to prepare yourself for maximum success
  • How to tap into the subconscious mind to help you replace bad thought habits with helpful, supportive, nourishing, and beneficial thought habits to help you enhance the quality of your life
  • Why begin with the end in mind
  • How to create your ideal dream lifestyle and use this to inspire you every day as you work on growing your retail business
  • Strategies, tips, secrets, and resources that I use as an elite producer so you can model the best of what works for myself into your life  

Product Idea

  • How to come up with your product idea
  • How to determine if your product will sell in retail
  • How to develop the best strategy for your type of product
  • How to create a logo for your brand
  • How to create a graphic design of your product ideas
  • Why your product must have a mass market appeal if you want to scale to millions of people
  • Where to get your prototypes, mockups, and brand concepts done
  • How to decide if you need to outsource to a commercial manufacturer
  • How to decide if you need to outsource to a retail distributor
  • How to establish brand fundamentals for your product idea  

Business foundation

  • How to protect your intellectual property
  • How to protect yourself in business
  • How to find great insurance for your business
  • How to secure approval from the FDA for your product idea
  • How to create the proper business structure and foundation for your company
  • How to find the best legal support for your business
  • What documents and instruments do you need in order to do business with retail stores, EIN, EDI, DUNS#, UPC
  • How to decide if you should file a patent, an industry trade secret, or something else to protect your product idea
  • How to avoid getting eaten up by sharks when seeking investment for your business
  • What we did in order to attract investors to our Banana Wave Bananamilk business  

Product Development

  • How to decide if you should source raw materials, or work with a Dropshipping company
  • How to discover blue ocean opportunities in the retail market
  • How to create eye-catching packaging that can attract more eyeballs
  • The different type of commercial grade packaging that you can use to package your retail product
  • How to create your ideal pricing for your product
  • How to determine the best margins for your retailers, your distributors, and your company so you can position yourself to profit
  • How to decide determine the best way to fulfill your product shipping, Dropshipping, warehousing, print on demand

Branding Development

  • What is branding and why follow the 22 laws of branding
  • How to create your unique selling proposition
  • How to create wholesome branding for a house held brand
  • Why branding matters in the longevity of your retail business
  • What is a brand guide, and how to design a brand guide for your retail business
  • How we created a house held brand from scratch case study
  • How to identify your ideal customer avatar for your retail brand   Marketing, Advertising, & Sales
  • Why use the 22 laws of marketing to help you create your own unique angle to increase visibility and sales in your market
  • Where to find qualified retail buyers so you can pitch your products to them using free, and paid resources
  • How to market & pitch your business directly to retail decision makers
  • How to pitch your business directly to distributors to sell to their retail clients
  • How to market your products on social media organically to help you create more direct to consumer sales
  • How to leverage the power of social media to find distributors to connect and pitch your products
  • How to market your retail products using social media influencers
  • How to use the power of free and paid press to spread the news about your product to thousands of eyeballs
  • How to leverage the power of sponsored athletes, sponsored sporting events, and other forms of non-traditional advertising to grow your brand
  • How to advertise your products using social media, PPC, and media buys
  • How to create a winning elevator pitch following a private training using our award winning elevator pitch
  • How we pitched our business to investors and were able to raise millions of dollars in startup capital (NO GUARANTEES THAT YOU WILL GET ANY INVESTORS)
  • How to create a brand story to pitch your product in 90 seconds or less
  • How to create your own pitch emails to send to retailers
  • How to create a pitch to sell to consumers face to face in store demonstrations/samplings
  • How to create a pitch to sell your consumers online
  • How to create a pitch to sell at trade shows and events
  • How to create a pitch to sell your product to distributors
  • How to create a pitch to sell your product to retailers overseas (exporting outside of the USA)  

Commercial Manufacturing

  • How to source raw materials, suppliers, and commercial manufacturing for your product
  • How to interview and communicate with manufacturers to get the best rates for your product
  • How to establish create an efficient runway budget and runway to help you manage your manufacturing production
  • Dos and don’ts of commercial manufacturing
  • What are line extensions, product variations, skews, and how to use them to expand your retail product business
  • Gems we learned from manufacturing our non-dairy Banana Wave Bananamilk product   Distribution & Shipping
  • How to work with distributors to help you distribute your product
  • What to know when working with retail product distributors
  • How to market and advertise your products to distributors
  • Best strategies for negotiating your product pricing with distributors
  • Where to register your business online so you can get your products into distribution systems
  • Where to go to pitch retail product distributors at product showcases, trade shows, networking events, and more  

Online Retailers & Chain Store Retailers

  • How to research and find the decision making buyers in online and chain store retailers
  • How to pitch retail buyers using a strategic email approach, follow up to set up an appointment
  • How to pitch your product into online retail stores like,, and other large online retailers
  • How to sell your products in online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and many others where you can attract online buyers consistently
  • How to pitch online retailers in the most effective way
  • What to say when you finally get an appointment to sell to a retailer
  • What to include in your presentation when pitching to buyers
  • What to take with you into your appointment with retail buyers
  • How to deal with the objections that the retail buyer may have
  • What to expect from a retail chain store
  • How to receive your payments from retail stores
  • The most typical retail fees you will incur, along with rebates, and additional fees that you may face
  • How to avoid chargebacks, refunds, and slow inventory turnover
  • How to operate with high levels of excellence when working with retail companies

Direct To Consumer Marketing & Sales

  • How to create direct to consumer marketing and sales campaigns
  • How to use the power of ecommerce to market and sell your products online
  • How to work with online fulfillment companies to help you fulfill all of your individual consumers
  • How to build an automated online sales funnel to help you attract more customers with automation
  • The mindset of the direct consumer and how to strategically sell to them  

How To Outsource & Develop A Team

  • What are the ideal places within your business where you should start outsourcing
  • How to create departments within your company so it becomes more systematized
  • What are standard operating procedures, and why they can help you with growing and scaling up
  • What are the ideal characteristics and qualities of superstar team members
  • Scripts, templates, and additional resources to help you with hiring and team building  

Possible Exit Strategies With A Retail Company

  • What is an exit strategy
  • The types of exit strategies for a retail business
  • Why you should think about your exit strategy from the very start of your business
  • Choosing which exit strategy is best for you and your mission
  • What you need to know in order to strategically execute an exit strategy    

Done For You Templates, Scripts, & Buyer Lists

  • Get done for you salesletters, email pitch templates so you can pitch retail buyers on your products
  • Done for you interview questions and script so you can reach out to specific suppliers and manufacturers that can help you with creating your products for the commercial market
  • Done for you sales script to help you with selling buyers on your product 
  • Access to a retail buyers list with over 5,000+ different buyers across multiple retail chain stores
  • List of the top 100 retail chain stores so you know where to go and pitch your products
  • And more

 Private VIP Support Community

  • When you purchase today, you’ll get access to our fresh private support mastermind community which is growing with other high quality people just like you who are on a similar path. You’ll be able to network, meet new piers, find accountability partners, support other new members, and grow together

“The Untold Secrets To Success”

  • Learn how to change your life and transform yourself to achieve your desired goals in life
  • Learn how to discover your true worth in life and use this boost in self worth to help you achieve more in life
  • Why it doesn’t matter where you start in life and how you can renew your mind while starting where you are now
  • Discover the life lessons and life principles that I learned in the school of hardknocks on my journey to success
  • And more inside 

$9 Retail price

“The Outsource Report”

  • Learn how to hire virtual assistants to help you manage and grow your business online
  • Instant access to step by step strategytemplates, documents, interview scripts, and so much more inside 
  • Why you should be outsourcing when your business begins to grow, this will help you grow it faster
  • Discover how educate and lead your team so you can get boost their moral and motivate them to do an excellent job
  • Direct access to the resources, websites, and tools you’ll need in order to make this work for your business
  • And much more inside 

$47 Retail Price

“The 144 Keys To Unlocking High Paying Clients”

  • Learn the 144 keys that will help you ensure that you have what you need to unlock high paying clients 
  • Learn the how to apply these high level marketing strategies that will help boost you ahead of the competition 
  • How to improve your communication so you can speak to the voice inside of your prospects mind
  • How to better position your value proposition so you can get the “YES” more from your leads
  • And so much more inside 

$27 Retail Value

“How We Got Into Retail Distribution Case Study”

  • Get full access to the case study on how we got Banana Wave into retail distribution 
  • Learn how we came up with the product ideas and strategies we applied initially
  • Discover how we applied grassroots and guerilla marketing strategies in order to successfully penetrate the market
  • Learn how we went about packaging our ideas into a real product that people can consume
  • And yep, you got it right – there is much more inside 

$47 Retail Price

“30 Days Of The 365 Day Video Quote Challenge”

  • 30 days of our 365 day video quote challenge videos to inspire you to remain consistent on your journey to success 
  • Follow along in the early days of our journey to inspire thousands of lives around the world in these first 30 days
  • Get daily motivational and inspirational videos to get your excited to get things done over the next 30 days
  • Learn why it’s important to feed your mind with empowering thoughts and emotions to align yourself to get results in life
  • You’ll also hear inspiring quotes from other successful leads and entrepreneurs of the past
  • And you already know, there is much more inside

$30 Retail Value

“High Ticket Freedom Masterguide To Secure High Paying Clients”

  • Find out how selling high ticket offers almost immediately MAKES YOU AN INSTANT AUTHORITY to your market! Do this right, and you’ll be able to win!
  • My proven PRICING STRATEGY FOR CHARGING $1,000+ for your services, and how to get clients to pay you whatever price you demand!
  • Learn MY EXACT 5-STEP SYSTEM I use to close high-ticket clients like clockwork. This is my personal and proven method that I still use to this very day to make hight ticket sales!
  • Discover THE 1.79 BILLION PER MONTH SECRET! When you see what this secret is, you’ll see why you’ll never have to worry about getting the most highly targeted leads ever again!
  • I’ll show you HOW TO COMPLETELY “SHIFT” the way you land high-ticket clients. More than likely you are doing this all wrong. I’ll show you how to do it RIGHT every time!
  • Want to learn what you really should do to land high-ticket clients via the phone? There’s a science to it, and I’ve locked it down for you. FOLLOW THESE SPECIFIC STEPS and your success will almost be guaranteed!
  • Find out THE MOST POWERFUL AND LUCRATIVE MODELS you can use to leverage more sales and bigger profits selling high-ticket offers and services! Any of these can work for you; simply choose the one you like best!
  • Learn how to CREATE YOUR OWN HIGH TICKET PRODUCTS, and learn how to find 3rd party high ticket affiliate programs to sell!

$37 Retail Price

Here’s Everything You’re Going To Get…

“12 Week Retail Business Activator Coaching + Class”

“The Outsource Report”

“The 144 Keys To Unlocking High Paying Clients”

“How We Got Into Distribution Retail Case Study”

“30 Days Of The 365 Day Video Quote Challenge”

“High Ticket Freedom Masterguide To Secure High Paying Clients”

Total retail value of $15,000+

Todays price only…

$1,999 today!

First come, first serve! Get started right now!

Here’s What REAL People Are Saying About My

High Ticket Freedom Strategies & Coaching…

Listen to Teya, she started earning more within her first 3 weeks

Listen to Pratibha and her testimonial on how she got results

Listen to Ricardo and his testimonial of how our coaching changed his life

Listen to Kristin’s testimonial of how much impact she received

Listen to Cameryn

Listen to Jimmy

Listen to Immy

Listen to Jacob

Listen to Trey

Listen to Vicky

Monique 1st Week

Monique 4th Week

Listen to Zak

Listen to Aliz

Listen to Rochelle

Listen to Troy

Listen to David

Listen to Kyle

Listen to Khari

Listen to My interview with Les Brown

Listen to Paul

Listen to Sudesh

Listen to Alessio

Listen to Marc

Here’s What Others Had To Say As Well

Why Should You Work With Me?

I’m Michael Baptiste, I help people build digital marketing engines that accelerate company growth. I also help people launch consumer packaged goods products into the retail market. I am a certified entrepreneurship and business coach. 

I am the founder of High Ticket Freedom, the premium online lifestyle and business training academy. I am also the co-founder of Banana Wave Bananamilk which is a non-dairy banana based milk alternative which sells in big box retail stores like Walmart, Whole Foods, HEB, and thousands of others.

I can relate to the feeling of starting something from nothing, because I myself built my own online business from scratch, and now 5 years later we are still growing. It wasn’t easy, but it has been worth it so far.

If you ever wanted to learn how to attract, capture, and activate more high paying clients then let’s progress with your education right here today. 

I can help you. Here’s are some of the things I’ve been able to accomplish below:

Certified Entreprenuership & Business Coach

Certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach

Winning A 90 Second Elevator Pitch

International Award Winning Retail Product

Selling Our Product In Whole Foods Grocery Store

Featured On National TV For Pitching & Closing Walmart

Hosted My Own Live Events & Workshops

Have Been Able To Travel & Live Life On My Terms

Elite International Professional Athlete

Featured In Disrupt Magazine

Mentioned As A Remarkable Black Entrepreneur

Former Professional Overseas Basketball Assistant Coach

Interviewed By the Great Ann McNeill & The Think & Grow Rich Mastermind Team

Interviewed By The
Legendary Motivational Speaker Les Brown On His Massive Platform

Eat Beyond Holdings Aqcuired Our Banana Wave Bananamilk Business

Here’s What To Do Now
Get Started, Enroll Now

  • Activate your access to this 12 Week Retail Business Activator Coaching Class
  • Gain access to the members area
  • Join our amazing community, introduce yourself, and engage with other members
  • Go through the course and study smart
  • Take all out massive action on the information inside

Action Takers Money Back Guarantee

Due to the nature of this highly sensitve information that comes from years of experience, we are going to be providing the students within this cohort direct live coaching and traning on a weekly basis for the next 12 weeks. With this, we will also require that each student sign an NDA and a Non-Compete to protect the value of this information.

That said, there are no refunds for the purchase of this online course and hybrid live coaching program. In order to get started do so now, because the price will increase once we move to the next chapter of our journey to impact people worldwide.

I’ve put my heart and soul into this truly one-of-a-kind 12 week class for you, and I know you’re going to get an inspired fresh perspective on whats really possible with the information and steps you find inside of this class.

A Percentage Of Our Sales Go To Charity To Help Educate, Clothe, And Feed Hungry Children In Need

With each sale we donate a percentage of revenue to Michelle Tidors Kids Foundation.Our contributions allow them to provide clothes, food, and education to poor children in rural areas of Haiti. When you work with us, feel good at heart knowing you are helping the children through our contributions.

I’ll See You Inside The Retail Business Activator Class Experience!

Let’s expand your knowledge with the proven timeless secrets that I share inside of the Retail Business Activator class. 

Get started right now.

Trusted innovative life and business coach,
Wholeness, high vibrations, and GREATNESS,
Michael “Overdeliver” Baptiste


This is the exact same proven business model that I’ve developed, practiced, and shared with my clients for years now. It’s worked for a lot of people around the world, I advise you to give it your best effort and learn the timeless online business strategies that will help you to accelerate your growth.

Disclaimer:We do not guarantee or make any claims with this platform. We believe in providing value for others, and that is what we teach our clients how to do based on their unique ideas, knowledge, and life experience. Creating freedom your way, and a successful business takes work to accomplish. We ascribe to working hard, and smart. We don’t believe in ‘get rich quick schemes’ or in ‘get rich by clicking buttons schemes’ – we believe success takes work and we share that transparently with our clients. We share real business strategy on our platform that has produced results for our company, as well as for our successful clients. Our clients created success because of their individual efforts, skills, resources, and determination to succeed. Our platform is intended for educational, inspirational, and empowering purposes. Please understand that all of your results are dependent upon your effort, determination, consistency, dedication, and coachability to what information is shared therein. This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc, or Google, or YouTube, or Pinterest, or Snapchat, or LinkedIn. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. All information found and provided on this website is based on the best practices, and for educational, inspiration, and empowering purposes only.

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