FREE Case Study For Coaches, Consultants, & Service Providers...

"Discover How To Generate 5, 15, or Even 30 High Ticket Coaching or Consulting
Clients Per Month!"

Here's What You'll
Discover In This 
Case Study

  • How to apply this simple 5 step system to attract 5, 15, or even 30 high ticket coaching or consulting clients every month predictably
  • Case Study of how one newbie went from $0 – $27K in 35 days with no experience in high ticket sales

  • Why Warren Buffet recommends keeping things simple, and how you can inject this simple system into your business to scale up to multiple 5 figures per month

  • How to leverage the 1.8 billion per month social
    media source to bring you consistent leads and clients
    on a daily basis with automation

  • And much more...

Case Study Host

Michael Baptiste is the CEO & Founder of High Ticket Freedom, and Co-Founder of Banana Wave BananaMilk. He is a digital marketing expert. He’s world renown for helping his clients start and grow highly profitable coaching businesses with his high energy, and outcome
focused training.

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This Case Study

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