- Already created sales page, upload your membership site, marketing tools, plugins, worth $500+.

- We will provide you with traffic and also will provide you with a done for you webinar, and a done for you funnel.

- 1 on 1 consulting for once per week for 4 weeks in total to direct you and guide you on how to grow your online business.

- A complete done for you sales funnel and high ticket offer set up on your website, this includes membership software ($97), marketing sales funnel software ($97), marketing theme for your website ($47), and complete installation onto support affiliate gateways like JVZoo, and WarriorPlus.com.

- Done for you traffic. We will send you traffic once your sales funnel is up and complete, this will give you a jump start to your business as we’ll send you traffic and help you get immediate subscribers onto your list.

- Done for you email marketing campaigns. We’ll craft out personalized email marketing campaigns and swipes so you can simply upload to your auto-responder, collect leads, follow up, and make sales on an automated basis.

- Training and tutorial videos about how to use your new business system even if you have no solid idea on how to market your funnel for maximum success and sales.

- Done for you product creation, we’ll create your product for you and make sure that it is high quality and delivers value to your customers and clients.

- We will provide you with a customized webinar script and webinar PowerPoint presentation. You’ll have full power to modify this webinar.

- And so much more.

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