Hey, welcome here to Day 4.
So at this point you should have already outline what you’re going to sell.
You should have identified your super power, and the solution that you plan on delivering. Not to mention you should also have clarity on who your dream client is, and what your goals are.
By now I want you to go out and do one of two things based on your assets.
If you have an email list right now, what you do is begin surveying them – asking questions about their biggest challenges and problems, then once they answer take their feedback and create a salesletter from it. Or outsource and hire a copywriter, resources for copywriters will be listed in the resources section.
Create your salesletter and send them to a survey form.
So instead of a buy button, it’s a button leading them to a survey.
What you do from that point is get on the phone, use the DEEP PERSUASION script and close them into your program – simple as that.
Now if you don’t have an email list, or a huge audience, following, fans, etc… here is what you do – and should be doing.
Join related FB and social media groups. Join forums. Join online communities where your targeted market hangs out at.
Then once you’re inside make your presence known by thanks everyone for being there in the group, then start adding tons and tons of value.
This value doesn’t have to be yours, you can literally do some research and compile that research into an excellent 2 – 3 page long article and then start posting it in as many groups and on as many forums as you can.
People will read what you write which is why if you give them more value – then they’ll be attracted to work with you as a coach or mentor.
Then for every person that comments, likes, or shares your info – you reach out to them and have a conversation with them.
The conversation must always being with “Hey ____ thanks for liking my post in the _____ group/forum/community.”
Then from there ask what they liked most about the post – next step will be to find out what is their biggest challenge.
Once you got that, agitate that problem and give them a reality check about what’s going to happen to them if they don’t get up and solve this problem right now.
From that point, invite them onto a call – use the script, and then close them in your program.
We’ll outline all the top 3 funnels you’ll can include in your business to increase conversions and sell your high ticket offers automatically.
For now, this is enough for today – now go take action on it, and I’m always here in the Facebook group to answer any question you will have.
All the best,
Your most trusted online coach,
Michael “Overdeliver” Baptiste