Day 22

Hey and welcome here to Day #22.

In this day I want to talk briefly about why it’s important to begin focusing on outsourcing and building a team around your business.

By now you’re getting sales, and seeing positive returns and income in your business.

The next step is to make sure that your ads are running smoothly, and that leads and sales are flowing on a daily basis into your email follow up sequence.

Once you’re getting a consistent flow – it’s time to hire help.

This can be done by going to a freelancing site like or to begin searching for a virtual assistant to help you manage your Facebook ads.

Use the training “The Outsource Report” supplied here in the members area to hire your Virtual Assistant.

When you hire them, it’s important that you begin by hiring someone who is experience with FB ads, or Bing ads to manage your campaigns for you.

The bulk of what they’ll be doing will include:

Create FB ad images.

Researching audience interests.

Designing FB banner ad images.

Launching new FB ad campaigns.

Your goal is not to train them on how to do FB ads properly.

Your goal is to have them manage your FB ad campaigns so you don’t have to.

Get this process started and we’ll move into more detail as we go over the next few days.

Go make this day yours.

I’ll see you soon.

Your most trusted online adviser,
Michael “Overdeliver” Baptiste