Are you winning or whining in your life and business

Are You Winning Or Whining In Your Life And Business?

Hey here’s something I know about being a winner in life and business.

The winners who get what they want in this life don’t spend time blaming other people.

They don’t spend time focusing on what other people are doing.

They don’t spend time doing things that are a waste of time.

They don’t sit around moping, groaning, moaning, crying, whining, complaining, and looking for every little thing wrong that they can find about someone else or others.

The winners in life are the people who are on the field, playing in the game, and playing their heart out.

A real one will tell you straight up like this…

“Winners Find Ways To Win!”
Shoutout to my bro Lu!

If you want to win, figure it out and stop being looking for somebody else to figure it out for you…

You see I know there are a few types of people reading this article…

There is the type who is already a winner and knows how to win…

Kudos to you for figuring it out.

There is the type who complains, complains, and complains and expects something to change – and so they lose.

And finally there is the type who wants to win, but hasn’t figured out how to win yet…

Don’t feel so bad, I can show you how to win inside of our High Ticket Freedom system.

I can relate to you if you want to win, but just don’t know how to win.

One thing I don’t relate to are those who complain, moan, groan, and whine like spoiled little brats . . .

(For the record keep that toxic energy to yourself if that’s you)

You see, when I was getting started I had no money, I still figured it out…

I had no computer or laptop, I still figured it out…

I had no budget for advertising, website development, coding, programming, email marketing, or none of that, I still figured it out…

I had no guide, no coach, and definitely no budget to hire anybody, I still figured it out…

I had very little time, and was always forced to deal with distractions in one form or another getting started, I still figured it out…

I probably was in a much worse situation than you when I got started, but it didn’t matter, and still doesn’t matter…

No excuses were going to help me figure it out…

No stories or theories were going to help me figure it out…

No amount of seeking someone else to blame were going to help me figure it out…

No amount of whining was going to help me figure it out…

No crying to my family and friends was going to help me figure it out…

In life you either… figure things out for yourself.


You don’t.

It’s that simple.

If you have figured it out for yourself already, congrats to you!

But if you haven’t figured it out yet, and you’re still moaning, groaning, whining, and complaining – then chances are, that’s all you’ll do . . . ever.

Chances are . . . all you’ll do is find more things to moan, groan, whine, and complain about.

The people who really want to win in life, and those who really want a better quality of life will do one thing…

And that is FIND A WAY TO WIN!

Get off the sidelines, get in the game, and follow a winning play so you can win too.

If you want a winning play, then reach out to me directly.

As a real one will always tell you…

Keys open up doors, and if you were paying attention – I just dropped some keys on you.

Figure it out, and find a way to win.

Please drop your comments below with feedback and your opinion on this article.

I’ll see you in the next one.

Peace from the far east.

Trusted online life and business guide,
Michael Baptiste 

P.S. If you would like some help to figure out how to win in your life and business, then I recommend you get started by signing up for this FREE training session and eBook download to help you learn how to win at the High Ticket level.

Get Started With The FREE Training Here