5 Things You Must Do To Make Facebook Ads Work Even If You’re New

What I’m going to lay out for you is literally a blueprint on how to do Facebook ads and get immediate results even if you’re brand new and just getting started.

Also this article is for people who’ve been trying Facebook ads with no results, and who are interested in getting positive results.

This is information that I’ve only shared with my private clients, and a few close friends.

I promise you that if you’re just starting out with Facebook ads, if you take action on this article, you will be able to start getting more leads, more sales calls, more highly targeted dream clients, and most importantly more sales & profit.

So I guarantee that if you take action on this information alone, you’ll start getting more results in then next 7 days or less.

However if you are super advanced and already crushing it with Facebook ads, then you’ll quickly see this information is on par with the best way to do FB ads.

Rather than fluff you up with my story, I’ll get right into the tips that can help you start getting results

Here’s a few tips for you…

1. Set up a FREE Facebook Business account to minimize your risk of your account being shut down.

Not only that, but also you’ll get your ads approved faster, and you’ll be able to add on staff members, partners, and manage other people’s ad accounts from your one central business account.

I can go on and on about the benefits of having a business account, but I’d rather say less and allow it to mean more.


2. Spend Time & Research Your Target Market

When it comes to targeting people always ask is it better to start broad, then narrow down – or the other way around?

I have one answer for that.

I always test multiple ad sets inside of 1 campaign by going narrow and testing one singular target per ad set.

When it comes to who to target, or what – drill down and find out who your target market is following…

Who are the key influencers in that marketplace?

Who are the thought leaders and masters?

What are the top books in that industry?

Who are the authors of those top books?

How about the top magazines?

What are the top softwares and tools your market place uses?

Are there any large communities that people are a part of?

Are they any live events which a large segment of your market attends?

What are the best trade organizations? Or federations in your marketplace?

Research all of this inside of Facebook’s Audience insights, and use websites like justmediakits.com to see what magazines people are buying and following.

Once you do the research make sure to organize all of your newly found data into an excel spreadsheet. This tip I learned from the big man Phil Henderson who is a genius and ninja at FB ads, and ecommerce.

Do this research and you’ll be about 80% complete with the work you need done.

But even once you do this background research, there’s still a little more to do…

3. Create Eye Catching Ad copy & Image

So when it comes to your actual ad – you have to break the attention of your prospect.

I mean how often do you scroll down your facebook timeline and say…

“My my this is a nice advertisement, I’d like to click on it and buy what they are selling!”

10 times out of 10 you never say that… ever haha.

Unless you’re a marketing geek like me who is obsessed with ads, and WHY people buy.

Anyway, what you have to do is break the attention of your target prospect.

Get them out of that zombie like funk that 99% of people are in as they are scrolling down on their Facebook timeline.

Do this by asking a question at the top of your ad, or presenting an interesting story, or a case study with numbers, or something that you found out.

Then right there in the rest of your actual ad copy, tell your target prospect what their problem is, let them know you have their solution, and what they need to do to get it.

Do this by telling them to sign up, click here, get started now, etc…

If you’re in eCommerce then this process is a little easier, just be straight forward, tell the price, and then tell people in your actual ad – “BUY MY PRODUCT”.

Once you get the bulk of this done, you’re just about there.

The final step is to make sure that you have a compelling image, or something that is attention breaking.

I recommend that you actually get out there and research what your competition is doing, what’s working for them, and model it.

There’s an excellent feature that Facebook added in this year where you can click on the little gray arrow on the top right hand side of all ads on Facebook…

And from right there you can click the option “Why am I seeing this ad?” and it will show you who they are targeting interest wise, the age range, the gender, the location, and it is amazingly simple to see what’s working for your competition… so you can model what’s already working and improve your ad for your offer, product, service, or your coaching/consulting program.

Since there’s nothing new under the sun, it’s always easier and smart to just follow what’s working and put your own spin on it.

There are a few sites out there for researching what your competition is doing with FB ads.

A few of the top that I use are adicted.io and adespresso.com

Use these sites to spy on your competition, reverse engineer their funnels, and make a killer ad for yourself.

I’ve studied under the best of the best marketers in the world – like Russel Brunson, Russ Ruffino, Oliver Talamayan, Eric Louviere, Frank Kern, Dan Kennedy, Tommie Powers, Peter Parks, Gavin Stephenson, David Macalorum, Chris Winters, Joshua Zamroa, Bill McIntosh, Bob Proctor, and this list goes on and on…

Based on what I’ve learned from all of these masters of marketing is that take what’s already working in this system, put your unique twist and personality on it, and use it for yourself to get results.

When it comes to designing the actual image for the ad, you have a few options here.

You can use a program like YouZign, or Canva to do it yourself – which is recommended if you’re just starting out…


Hire someone on Fiverr, or a freelancing website to design a kick-ass eye catching ad image for you.

This is normally the smartest route to take if you have little graphic design experience, or want to be super lazy and focus your time in other places.

Once you get your images up, then it’s time to start testing out the different ad copies, and the different images you’ve put together.

4. Become Power Editors Best Friend

Most people tend to start by just hitting the ‘Create Ad’ button inside of their Facebook account, but the normal ad options there are super limited.

Power editor gives you the freedom to create longer copy, headlines, and text inside of your FB ad campaigns.

Get inside and start playing around with it, or watching FREE tutorials on YouTube about how to use it.

When you create your campaign I’d say start the ad budget at between $5 – $10 per day for the first 48 – 96 hours of the campaign.

What will happen is that Facebook will optimize the ads over time and identify who your target market is, and who’s going to take your desired action on your ad.

After a 72 – 96 hours scale up your ad by increasing your budget to $25 – 50 per day to make sure that you’re still getting leads with that campaign.

Be sure to scale slowly, and gradually so that way your ad campaign doesn’t get thrown too far out of whack and you stop getting consistent leads and sales.

If you’re running ads to a high ticket program or workshop priced at around $2K or higher – then you should be able to bring in high quality leads and at least 1 sale within one week of advertising with a starting budget of $25 – $50 per day.

5. Test Track Improve Like A Mad Scientist

Ask any online advertiser and media buyer and they’ll tell you one thing for sure…


The thing I’ve learned about marketing is that you never know what’s gonna happen, until you know.

Meaning you have to keep testing, you have to keep seeing what works, and what doesn’t work.

That means setting up new advertisements, running new campaigns, swapping out different ad copies, throwing in new ad images, and testing out different target interests.

It can be a long and drawn out game of trying to figure out what works with paid ads, but the good news is that once you find a campaign that works you hit Pay-Dirt!

You start bringing in consistent leads, consistent sales, and business changes … life changes.


So the 5 tips that will help you get more results from Facebook ads are as follows:

1. Set up a FREE Facebook Business Account

2. Spend Time & Research Your Target Market

3. Create Eye Catching Ad copy & Image

4. Become Power Editors Best Friend

5. Test Track Improve Like A Mad Scientist

Facebook ads are not as tricky, and difficult as most people make you think they are.

It just requires you applying yourself to learn the dynamics of Power Editor, which you can go on YouTube for FREE and watch tons of videos on how to use POWER EDITOR… so you have no excuses.

All the other information about how to use Facebook ads to bring in more leads, sales, and grow your business has been answered in this straight forward article.

The only reason you will get no results with the information I just shared here is if you take NO ACTION.

However if you do take action and do the work you know you should do anyway, then for sure you’ll get real world results.

But if you want some help with this article, then my recommendation is to ask questions below – or reach out to Facebook experts like David Schloss. He’s one of the best in the business, and I can make a personal introduction for you if you’d like help.

For now re-read this article because it’s super practical if you’re selling anything on Facebook and want to get started on the right foot.

Let me know what you thought about this article by dropping some feedback and comments below.

Thanks for reading. If you want some help with getting more leads, and clients from Facebook then let’s talk here: High Ticket Freedom.

That is all for now.

I’ll see you in the next post.

Michael “Overdeliver” Baptiste

P.S. Facebook ads requires you to be patient, and to do continuous studying on what’s working and what’s not. However if you can just focus on this one advertising platform and make it work – then you’ll be ahead of the upcoming curve when everything shifts to digital media become the main stream source of information (by that I mean radio, TV, and print media are slowing but surely becoming extinct – see here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/24/digital-advertising-climb-tradional-media-trouble_n_6930958.html)

P.P.S. The results below are for inspiration for the person who wants to get started getting results with Facebook ads. For months on end I was afraid of throwing money at Facebook and losing it. But once I did the work outlined in this article, I quickly discovered I found the ultimate place to grow my business and extract large amounts of money is Facebook advertising.

P.P.P.S. If you’ve ever thought about running Facebook ads, but were not 100% sure of what to do – then read this article or reach out to someone who knows what they are doing and ask them for help. I know what I’m doing, and I even recommended reaching out to David Schloss as a starting point for help.