Yes Michael - I Want To Get Started With
"High Ticket Freedom" Now!

What You're Going To Get...

•Fast Start High Ticket Strategy ($3,997 Value)

Our High Ticket Freedom client attraction system to go from nothing to converting high paying clients in a few days

•Deep Persuasion Script Training ($997 Value)

Step by step training on how to do sales calls and close high ticket sales

•High Ticket Funnel Mastery ($3,997 Value) 

Training on how to create a webinar, case study, or salesletter funnel to close clients with automation

•Undercover Traffic & Conversions ($1,997 Value)

Training on how to generate traffic, how to generate leads, and how to convert those leads with effort and automation

•Automation & Leverage ($2,997 Value)

How to automate your webinar funnel, and generate a consistent flow of leads to convert into clients. 

•Mindset Domination ($1,497 Value)

Training on how to create the right mindset and attitude for success, plus training on how to reach your goals

Influence & Persuasion Mastery ($997 Value)

How to become more influential and persuasive to increase your sales and
authority in the marketplace

Scaling, Lifestyle, & Next Level Think ($2,997 Value)

Training on how to scale your business, how to design your ideal lifestyle, what to focus on next to expand your business

•12 Wealth Titan Business Principles ($3,997 Value) 

The 12 common characteristics that show up in the lives of modern day
wealth titans, and how to use them to help you scale your business

•Bonus #1: Millionaire Secrets ($997 Value)

Interviews with the top 1% of internet marketers, coaches, and digital entrepreneurs with multi-million dollar online businesses

•Bonus #2: Outsourcing, Hiring, + More ($997 Value)
Complete training on how to outsource your work to world class employees for less than minimum wage, complete with scripts, contracts, and more

•Bonus #3: Done For You High Ticket Program… ($1,997 Value) 
Complete done for you business in a box that you can sell with private label rights, use in your training, or recreate as your own stand alone product.

•Bonus #4: The Keys To High Ticket Freedom &
Michael's Digital Product Library ($2,997 Value)
Here you’ll be getting full and complete access to my entire product library, this access comes with the 21 Keys To High Ticket Freedom video trainings


Total Value Over $29,964

Listen to Monique's BEFORE
Testimonial: Her 1st Week, & Group Coaching Call 

Listen to Monique's AFTER
Testimonial: Her 3rd Week &
$6K In Sales

Listen to the Worlds Best High Ticket Closer & $200,000,000 salesman Marc Steffen and his testimonial

Listen to former professional basketball player Alessio Bond and his testimonial

Listen to the superstar entrepreneur David Pare
and his testimonial

Listen to the expert copywriter Aliz AJ and his testimonial

Get started with High Ticket Freedom now for ONLY $997 (retail group consulting price $5,000) 

Get Started NOW

ONLY $997 Today

Don't have the entire enrollment fee today, but still want to get started?

Try PayPal Credit at the checkout page. 

A percentage of our sales go to charity to help educate,
clothe, and feed hungry children in need.

Get Instant Access To Our Powerful 
Coaching & Access To Our Private
FB Superstar Community!

Rochelle Changed Her Entire Life & Made $16K In 10 Weeks! 

Listen to Troy, He Earned  
$5K In His First 2 Weeks!

Listen to Vicky, He Generated
2 Clients & Made $3K In 3 Days!

Listen to Trey, He Earned Over 
$7K In Profits In 3 Weeks!

Get Started NOW

ONLY $997 Today

Don't have the entire enrollment fee today, but still want to get started?

Try PayPal Credit at the checkout page. 


Q. What exactly will I be creating a high ticket offer about?

A. You'll be creating a high ticket offer based on your ideas, courses, knowledge, experience, message, life story, or the game plan that I give you inside of the course. If you have a skill set, or know how to get specific results and can help someone else, I'll show you the entire format for how to create the system and make it work for you.

Q. Is this about launching products?

A. No, this is strictly about launching your own high ticket products and services. You'll be able to create your high ticket coaching program with no list, no following, no website, and no strategic plan as long as you can follow directions and take action.

Q. What if I'm new, can I still do this and get results?

A. Yes, you can do this and get results even if you're new. Most all of our successful clients were new to high ticket sales when they got started with us. We're going to give you an offer to sell or model for a high ticket price point, and we're also going to tell you exactly how to sell it.

Q. Do you guarantee that I'll make money?

A. No, there are no guarantees in life - so the only guarantee we can make is that if you take action on the information inside this program you will get results. 

Q. Is there a money back guarantee?

A. Yes. We do offer a conditional 'action takers money back guarantee' which states that if you take action and follow our information, strategies, and insights but are not able to get any results, this is what we will do. We will offer you a (1X) FREE 1 on 1 coaching session to help you get unstuck from your situation and moving forward to create results (results meaning high ticket business set up, registered new company, email marketing set up, leads being generated, calls being scheduled/booked, sales calls being made, and sales/clients being enrolled). If we are not able to help you move forward to create results, then contact us - show us exactly what you did and if we can't help you move forward then we will begin the refund process. In order to qualify for the 'action takers money back guarantee' you must show us that you actually went inside, reviewed the training, took action on the information, applied the information, and show documented proof that you followed our training. We do not offer any refunds on our group coaching and consulting because we are not able to get back any of our time.


Disclaimer: We do not guarantee or make any claims with this platform. We believe in providing value for others, and that is what we teach our clients how to do based on their unique ideas, knowledge, and life experience. Creating freedom your way, and a successful business takes work to accomplish. We ascribe to working hard, and smart. We don't believe in 'get rich quick schemes' or in 'get rich by clicking buttons schemes' - we believe success takes work and we share that transparently with our clients. We share real business strategy on our platform that has produced results for our company, as well as for our successful clients. Our clients created success because of their individual efforts, skills, resources, and determination to succeed. Our platform is intended for educational, inspirational, and empowering purposes. Please understand that all of your results are dependent upon your effort, determination, consistency, dedication, and coachability to what information is shared therein. This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. All information found and provided on this website is based on the best practices, and for educational, inspiration, and empowering purposes only.

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